Saturday, September 8, 2012

"they" rejected themselves and chose the other house.

with democrats it's a matter of winning. with republicans its a matter of winning morally and ethically. 

democrats believe in winning "by any means necessary." 

republicans believe in winning by anything sanctioned by god.

democrats call themselves "the big tent party" and say republicans are prejudiced and limited to just white people. in actuality, the republican's welcome everyone. 

r, it is those who reject the morals and values of the republican party that feel more comfortable with the uninhibited "anything goes" democratic party and then lie and say they went to the democrats because they weren't welcomed by republicans.

when someone comes into your home and you have rules that they should follow and they know they're doing wrong...they'll go to the house where there are no rules and then tell everyone that you rejected them.

they won't admit that the truth was that "they" rejected themselves and chose the other house. they did not want to straighten up and follow the rules; not republican's rules...god's rules that republicans follow themselves.

"they" rejected themselves and chose the other house.

with democrats it's a matter of winning. with republicans its a matter of winning morally and ethically. 

democrats believe in winning "by any means necessary." 

republicans believe in winning by anything sanctioned by god.

democrats call themselves "the big tent party" and say republicans are prejudiced and limited to just white people. in actuality, the republican's welcome everyone. 

r, it is those who reject the morals and values of the republican party that feel more comfortable with the uninhibited "anything goes" democratic party and then lie and say they went to the democrats because they weren't welcomed by republicans.

when someone comes into your home and you have rules that they should follow and they know they're doing wrong...they'll go to the house where there are no rules and then tell everyone that you rejected them.

they won't admit that the truth was that "they" rejected themselves and chose the other house. they did not want to straighten up and follow the rules; not republican's rules...god's rules that republicans follow themselves.

Ryan rips Obama: "Good at giving speeches, bad at creating jobs"

Ryan rips Obama: "Good at giving speeches, bad at creating jobs": RENO, Nev. -- "He's good at giving great speeches, he's just really bad at creating jobs."
That's Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan's take on President Obama's address at the DNC.
"Here's the problem," Ryan continued during a campaign rally in Reno, Nevada. "When you think that the road to success and prosperity is more borrowing, more spending, more taxing, more regulating, a government-centered society with a government run economy these are the kinds of results we will get and if

White House fails to meet deadline on detailing proposed defense cuts

White House fails to meet deadline on detailing proposed defense cuts:
The White House announced that it will not meet Friday's deadline to make public what plans it will put into place to deal with the massive defense cuts coming at the end of the year.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Politicians' Top 10 Promises Gone Wrong (airs Saturday at 3PM and 1AM on FNC)

Politicians' Top 10 Promises Gone Wrong (airs Saturday at 3PM and 1AM on FNC):
Politicians make promises and brag about the results of their work of seen benefits, but they ignore the unintended consequences and unseen harm of their laws. Politicians promised that:
10. "Cash for clunkers" would save the auto industry. Instead, it increased the costs of used cars (the ones that poor people buy), decreased charitable donations and just moved auto sales from other months into July and August
9. Increasing the minimum wage would guarantee everyone better pay, but it ended up killing jobs
8. Title IX would end discrimination against women in sports, but instead it has taken sports away from both men and women
7. Big projects like stadiums, arenas and conference centers will create jobs. Instead, they steal money from the local grocery store
6. Politicians manipulate the tax code to "save small farmers" and "save the environment" but instead create an explosion of alpacas and give rich people like Stossel free golf carts
5. Credit card reform would save us from horrible bank fees, but "reform" led to higher credit card interest rates and less credit for the poor, which drove them to worse forms of credit
4. The health care bill would give us cheaper more comprehensive health care, but instead it's causing insurance companies to stop offering health insurance altogether
3. Ethanol would relieve our dependence on foreign oil and save the environment, but instead it's increased the cost of food, done more damage to the environment and to taxpayers
2. Politicians said more home ownership was good for America, but their subsidies created a bubble that made life worse
And tune in for the number one promise gone wrong!

Romney says latest jobs report shows Obama's out of ideas

Romney says latest jobs report shows Obama's out of ideas:
The latest Labor Department report showing a continuing decline in job growth in America shows President Obama has run out of ideas, Mitt Romney told Fox News Channel in an exclusive interview, a day after the president wrapped up the Democratic National Convention.

What I wish Obama would say

What I wish Obama would say:
This week, President Obama will say that Americans are better off because of Big Government and we should reelect him so he can continue to make our lives better. Here's what I wish Obama would say:
"I was wrong to expand government the way I have. I overreached. Modern liberalism put us on an unsustainable course. I will save America by restoring limited government that keeps the peace but then leaves free people alone..."

I believe in social justice. But I believe in Thomas Jefferson's idea of social justice: a free society where people are unimpeded by bureaucrats and politicians; where people freely trade goods and services -- that is, cooperate -- without anyone telling us what to do....

That's genuine liberalism -- original liberalism... Only that can bring us the real hope and change that freedom represents.
The rest of my syndicated column here.