earlier this afternoon i spoke on the phone with a fb friend and fellow blogger. we discussed many of the issues that we discuss on here. one thing we discussed was a mutual candidate that we supported. we were both new to being actively involved in politics and we both had a different take on the guy that was running. by the time we finished our discussion, we both agreed that it was fortunate that our efforts and campaign contributions were in vain, because he would have been less than the ideal conservative congressman. i had a nagging question answered that i had not asked while supporting the guy, my question was why was he not embracing the "tea party"? i got my answer...he didn't believe they were a relevant group. he also did not think allen west would win.
today, he is irrelevant in politics and allen west's name is being thrown around as a serious contender for president. it seems that others including myself may come down on the wrong side of history. looking back on those primary elections where this man could have been my congressman, it was fortunate that he is not and shows me that i'm now on the right track by being more informed. staying informed is a lot easier than it used to be...but it still takes some effort. in the end the direction that our country heads is at stake by the choices that "we the people" make.
Four years ago, I decided that I had had enough. I was tired of constantly having the rug pulled out from under me by our elected officials. I decided that i would take my life back and help others learn to do the same. What I have found is that by staying informed and working together...we can. We all share more similarities than differences. We all want a better world to leave to our children and grand-children. Let's get started... Sincerely, Darryl B. Petitt
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
i've been working on my blog.:)
i've tried to make it reflective of myself just like i do when i post on facebook. i love my country. what's being done to it bothers me... a lot. so i share with you my thoughts and views on the hypocrisy and madness that i see that is so clear to most of us. i love old school r&b. groups like the temptations, stylistics, marvin gaye and more. yet, on other days i may feel like hearing steely dan, hall & oats or genesis. so i've posted a roulette wheel of musical memories in youtube format...when you visit, you'll never know which artist will greet you and take you back down memory lane. facebook is like an exciting and busy club where everyone is there and all talking at once...fun fun fun, but my blog is a quiet retreat so some of my friends can get together and share our views of the world. see you soon.
passions are running high and our nations collective will is being tested.
what's in a name...a label or nickname? we name our kids, our pets and the world around us to make it simple for people to understand who and/or what we are talking about. names are concrete...labels and nicknames are not, they fall into the gray areas more often than not. labels like republican, democrat, black, white are descriptive of a group of people and their identities. the danger is that by bundling up people (sociology, the study of groups of people) can have its downfalls. for example, what comes to mind when the word or phrase nazi, communist rich person, poor person, etc are loosely thrown around?
people have died because they were labeled witches, communist or something other than what they truly were. others were what they had been labeled and took a chance or a stand for what they believed; even if it went against popular appeal or the laws at the time. the danger with having a diverse nation such as ours is that there are so many labels being tossed around these days where the intensity and passion of those in the debate are once again rising to dangerous levels such as those during wwii or any of the other dark and tumultuous times in human history.
passions are running high and our nations collective will is being tested...there is such a passionate divide in our country that the labels are being poured into molds of concrete and pretty soon the dye will be cast and we will have all backed each other into a concrete wall...can it be avoided? i wish i knew.
people have died because they were labeled witches, communist or something other than what they truly were. others were what they had been labeled and took a chance or a stand for what they believed; even if it went against popular appeal or the laws at the time. the danger with having a diverse nation such as ours is that there are so many labels being tossed around these days where the intensity and passion of those in the debate are once again rising to dangerous levels such as those during wwii or any of the other dark and tumultuous times in human history.
passions are running high and our nations collective will is being tested...there is such a passionate divide in our country that the labels are being poured into molds of concrete and pretty soon the dye will be cast and we will have all backed each other into a concrete wall...can it be avoided? i wish i knew.
In My Opinion: one can be easily swayed by those who tell them wh...
In My Opinion: one can be easily swayed by those who tell them wh...: "it seems that those who talk against capitalism come in two varieties. they are either living 'the american dream' as self-made wealthy capi..."
one can be easily swayed by those who tell them what they want to hear.
it seems that those who talk against capitalism come in two varieties. they are either living "the american dream" as self-made wealthy capitalist or in the group that are, well...jealous of capitalist because of their own shortcomings and lack of ambition. these anti-capitalist "wealthy" capitalist in the first group, by and large have made their money off of brainwashing and fueling the fires of anti-capitalism by writing books, making movies and giving lectures telling the lame how those evil capitalist are holding them down and ruining our country and the planet.
this is wrong-headed thinking. most "capitalist" run businesses that have employees that depend on them to provide for their families. in addition these business owners and ceo's have to worry about taking care of their own families while being raked through the coals in the media. these business owners' are usually too tired and stressed after working all day to then have to worry themselves with holding someone down. instead they are lifting people up by providing jobs and giving back to their communities in the form of grants, scholarships and huge amounts of tax revenues for politicians to waste.
it is instead, those who make millions writing books, making movies and giving lectures that have the time on their hands to plot and plan on how to keep themselves and their families wealthy by feeding on the insecurities of their not so smart followers. being lazy and unambitious has its hazards...one can be easily swayed by those who tell them what they want to hear.
this is wrong-headed thinking. most "capitalist" run businesses that have employees that depend on them to provide for their families. in addition these business owners and ceo's have to worry about taking care of their own families while being raked through the coals in the media. these business owners' are usually too tired and stressed after working all day to then have to worry themselves with holding someone down. instead they are lifting people up by providing jobs and giving back to their communities in the form of grants, scholarships and huge amounts of tax revenues for politicians to waste.
it is instead, those who make millions writing books, making movies and giving lectures that have the time on their hands to plot and plan on how to keep themselves and their families wealthy by feeding on the insecurities of their not so smart followers. being lazy and unambitious has its hazards...one can be easily swayed by those who tell them what they want to hear.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
belief systems can keep us safe or keep us from the truth.
Some people say that you should never discuss religion or politics. Why is that? It is not so much because of the personal nature of the topics inso much is that it is because they are a part of the belief system that each of us develops over time.
A belief system is one that is not based on facts but is an identity that is comfortable and may have come from our parents, other family members, friends or community. It is a belief that when questioned makes the person feel uncomfortable because that person may not even know why he or she believes something.
That's just the way it is for them. The world is flat, that's just the way it is many people thought, until over time it was proven that the world is indeed round. Belief systems in religion or politics often come from the views of our parents. If you ask someone why they are of a certain religion or political belief and then you refute each point that they make about why what they believe is wrong; they become angry because you are not refuting facts you are refuting their identity.
Your facts and arguments may be valid; however what the person hears is you calling him stupid for believing something that defines him as a person and that may not be based in facts; but merely upbringing. In cases where religion and politics cross over into one another, the person then feels that he is also morally right in his belief and facts become even less important.
When presented with facts, their belief system will not allow them to logically process those facts at first. It is not until that person is faced with some great personal dilema where his belief system is irrefutably seen for its untruths does that person move towards the truth. In order to get to this point the person must be willing or either forced to question his own belief systems in a very personal and introspective way.
In the course of our daily lives very few people are willing to swim upstream and constantly challenge their own belief systems. When challenged by anyone other than themselves, they will dig in and defend beliefs that may have no or very little basis in the truth.
For more information on Belief Systems and how to argue affectively with someone who is not seeing the truth for what it is, Google Belief Systems and explore.
A belief system is one that is not based on facts but is an identity that is comfortable and may have come from our parents, other family members, friends or community. It is a belief that when questioned makes the person feel uncomfortable because that person may not even know why he or she believes something.
That's just the way it is for them. The world is flat, that's just the way it is many people thought, until over time it was proven that the world is indeed round. Belief systems in religion or politics often come from the views of our parents. If you ask someone why they are of a certain religion or political belief and then you refute each point that they make about why what they believe is wrong; they become angry because you are not refuting facts you are refuting their identity.
Your facts and arguments may be valid; however what the person hears is you calling him stupid for believing something that defines him as a person and that may not be based in facts; but merely upbringing. In cases where religion and politics cross over into one another, the person then feels that he is also morally right in his belief and facts become even less important.
When presented with facts, their belief system will not allow them to logically process those facts at first. It is not until that person is faced with some great personal dilema where his belief system is irrefutably seen for its untruths does that person move towards the truth. In order to get to this point the person must be willing or either forced to question his own belief systems in a very personal and introspective way.
In the course of our daily lives very few people are willing to swim upstream and constantly challenge their own belief systems. When challenged by anyone other than themselves, they will dig in and defend beliefs that may have no or very little basis in the truth.
For more information on Belief Systems and how to argue affectively with someone who is not seeing the truth for what it is, Google Belief Systems and explore.
i have been pretty patient when discussing issues with liberals...until now.
tonight i've had two people who pop into my fb posts and pretend to want answers. other conservatives and i would patiently answer their questions. hoping that they would understand the facts of the situation. each time they would come back with nonsense. i've lost my patience and prefer to be talking constructively to people who understand things for what they really are than waste time being distracted with silly question after question. i'm done with that. i'm deleting them and not let them frustrate me with their lack of understanding of how life works. liberals, i only have two children...i'm not your daddy. let someone else argue with you because you think you know better.
$105 billion hidden in obamacare bill for funding.
the way it's supposed to work is that congress controls the purse strings. in their rush to leave dodge city (washington dc) last year; the democrat led house and senate ran away from their duties to read the bill. wouldn't have mattered if the republicans had been given time to read it, they were outnumbered in both houses. now lo and behold they discover that the bill has been funded and some of the money already appropriated. the rest will be spent at the discretion of katherine sabelious, obama's hand picked health secretary.
the newly elected conservatives just found this out. they were pushing to cut 100 billion from the budget...now it looks like they're going to cut $205 billion to unfund obamacare and get the budget back in line. someone needs to go to prison...soon.
the newly elected conservatives just found this out. they were pushing to cut 100 billion from the budget...now it looks like they're going to cut $205 billion to unfund obamacare and get the budget back in line. someone needs to go to prison...soon.
i never though i'd be qouting malcolm x, but he's right about liberals.
"The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives."
God's Judgement of White America (The Chickens Come Home to Roost)
Malcolm X, December 4 , 1963
God's Judgement of White America (The Chickens Come Home to Roost)
Malcolm X, December 4 , 1963
fb friends. i've set up a blog.
who knows when i'm going to get kicked off facebook again. so please bare with me as i set up my blog. i won't say come and follow me because that term just sounds weird to me. if i ask you to follow me it sounds arrogant and if you said you'll follow me that'll just freak me out. so lets just say, come and check out my new blog. i'm going to be posting from here and linking to facebook while i still have an account there. one of the features of my blog is my video bar featuring some of the best old school songs ever made. now, you won't have to wait for me to get into one of those music playing moods; you can visit and take a walk back down memory lane without me ...like i do after a few drinks.:) if you have any suggestions, i'll probably just say yeah, okay and then do whatever i want...but you're free to try.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Who am I?
i'm not african-american. my forefathers may originate from africa, however i think this status should be for new arrivals from africa that have become citizens. if you need to call me anything other than darryl or if i've pissed you off and you want to call me a four letter word...fine, but if you must label me anything other than american...i'm a black american.
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