Saturday, September 15, 2012

obama's government picked this person out of all the noise on cyberspace and said, "tag", you're it.

an inconvenient truth for the obama administration due to their lack of an adequate foreign policy led them to pick out one movie and one individual to blame for it. the long arm and reach of obama's government picked this person out of all the noise on cyberspace and said, "tag", you're it. 

he was picked up from his home and questioned by federal authorities. obama's government nazi squad also
 went big as they were going minute by asking youtube and google to remove the film. isn't this scary to even the most loyal obamanite? isn't there some kind of bell going off in your head that is saying, "wait a minute", our government is not supposed to try to impose its' will against free speech on internet giants and that of an individual?

i mean one little single person that "the government" decided to blame. with official statements coming out of the white-house saying this one movie and this one guy started a fire storm across an entire region of the world...causing deaths. is this guy that was exercising his creative right to free speech now still safe from a drone attack from obama's mickey mouse magical white-house? how do you know next time it's not you?

the only thing obama and hillary has found to hide behind is "the movie".

president obama and hillary clinton are blaming "the movie" for the planned attack on the u.s. embassy in the libyan city of benghazi.  as much as i'm on the internet and facebook more specifically, i have yet to be passed a copy of the "movie" and it hasn't still caught my interest enough to seek it out.  i don't really think it was "the movie" that caused the riots and now many people from around the world and across the street feel the same way and know that the obama administration is using this as an excuse.

if pres. obama is so concerned about the sensibilities of arabs in the middle-east, why did he accept and keep the million dollars from leftist comedian bill maher when maher has made derogatory comments about arabs, muslims, islam and mohammad on his show, various news interviews and on stage...frequently?  why would muslims violate international law and kill four americans over a "movie" when obama himself is tied to a million dollar donor that insults arabs and islam regularly.  pres. obama and other's in his administration are running for cover and the only thing they've found to hide behind is "the movie".

come and get some of this all american ass whupping and have something to be mad about.

i've been watching the protest in the middle-east. pres. obama and all of his stooges have claimed that arabs are just upset with us because we "offended them". no. they hate us. they hate us because we are not muslim. this is the ultimate prejudice. liberals defend blacks, hispanics, gays, the poor and women against prejudice here. a type of prejudice that has not existed since the 1960s. 

yet, they don't and won't defend american's against prejudice coming from arabs that kill us around the globe and in our own lands. what kind of shit is that? now liberals want to make us fearful once again. no. we won't cower in fear so our own government can steal more of our rights and more of our freedoms. no. we will not give up our rights to free speech in worry of offending arabs as they burn our flag and kill our people. if they're that mad...they know where we live...let them come and get some of this all american ass whupping and then they will have something to                 be mad and to scream about.

how do you help stop the bleeding? one person at a time. starting with you.

it would have been a lot easier if god had just put an electric shocker on anything that was sin.  if we picked up something to steal it.  zap.  not enough to kill the person, but just strong enough to remind them that what they're about to do is wrong.  it sure would make things a lot easier and save a lot of regret over wrong decisions being made along the way to salvation.  yet, god didn't put a shocker on sin.  he just gave us a conscience and an instruction manual.  the conscience part reminds me of a poem.  wait, let me share it with you.  for some it may be the first time you've read it.  for others, maybe you've read it before but had forgotten.

Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Most of what I really need to know about how to live and what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandbox at nursery school.

These are the things I learned:

Share everything.

Play fair.

Don't hit people.

Put things back where you found them.

Clean up your own mess.

Don't take things that aren't yours.

Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.

Wash your hands before you eat.


Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.

Live a balanced life.

Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.

Take a nap every afternoon.

When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands and stick together.

Be aware of wonder.

Remember the little seed in the plastic cup? The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup -- they all die. So do we.

And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: look.

Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and sane living.

Think what a better world it would be if we all -- the whole world -- had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and cleaned up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together.

~ Robert Fulghum ~

that's a really cute little poem, but some of you didn't learn these things in kindergarten.  maybe you were taught the exact opposite on some or all of those things and still need to learn them.  now's just as good a time as any.  it's going to take some work on your part, but that "innate" part of you to strive to do and be better will gnaw at you until you do.  then there's the matter of our "instruction book", the good book...the holy bible.

there are lots of life lessons in there.  it will take you from the beginning to the end and back to the beginning again.  it takes you through the stormy but mostly loving relationship god's had with us since our creation.  imagine if you had the power to create something that had a mind of it's'd love it, but then hate it at times and then just want to destroy it.  god has.  when he sent jesus though, he said he'd never destroy us again.

people were saved from "the original sin" of genesis.  people no longer had to offer up blood sacrifices.  you see, god's own son's blood was freely given for our salvation on the cross for our sins...blood that each time a sin is committed continues to bleed out of open wounds.  tears that spill from the eyes of a man who willingly let others torture him on the cross for our salvation.

how do we help stop his bleeding that he's bled all these years?  how do we help stop his tears?  with each decision that we make we help heal his suffering...we help heal god's anger at us and we help heal the world in which we live.

Friday, September 14, 2012

animals don't even act like this unless they're provoked, rabid or hungry.

i've been watching the protest in the middle-east. pres. obama and all of his stooges have claimed that arabs are just upset with us because we "offended them". no. they hate us. they hate us because we are not muslim. this is the ultimate prejudice. liberals defend blacks, hispanics, gays, the poor and women against prejudice here. a type of prejudice that has not existed since the 1960s. 

they don't and won't defend american's against prejudice coming from arabs that kill us around the globe and in our own lands. what kind of sh_t is that? now liberals want to make us fearful once again. no. we won't cower in fear so our own government can steal more of our rights and more of our freedoms. no. we will not give up our rights to free speech in worry of offending arabs as they burn our flag and kill our people. if they're that mad...they know where we live...let them come and get some of this all american ass whupping and then they will have something to be mad about.

Comic for August 20, 2012

Comic for August 20, 2012:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

the very presence of obama and his wacky, communist nature is killing the markets as liberals divert your attention to arab's in the middle-east killing our people

since the obama administration has gone to so much trouble planning riots and even causing unplanned deaths in the middle-east to make sure the media is not covering what the fed did, i need to make sure i explain it to everyone.  i've heard numbers ranging from $40 billion to $80 billion but with those big numbers what difference does it make.

each month, the federal reserve will buy mortgage debt.  they won't actually buy the house or lien attached to it.  they are buying bonds that have a higher standing than the if they have to, they can take the house..but probably won't.  they aren't in the home ownership business.  they're in the putting us in debt business.  fnma and gnma will still continue to own the paper (lien).

these billions of dollars given to fnma etc are supposed to end up with lenders.  lenders are then supposed to loan to people so they can buy houses.  when people buy houses...that's supposed to crank start the house building industry.  the house building industry is one of the "true" leading indicator's of how well the economy is doing.  another is the stock market and several others.

however, if the history of the last four years is any clue of what will happen it probably will.  the other boosts given that were supposed to do this (qe1 and qe2, not even including the stimulus) went to banks.  due to strict obama administration regulations and uncertainty caused by the wacky policies administered by the obama administration...banks and other industries have been reluctant to lend.

the money they took in, they put it in the stock market.  wall street traders love this.  they will make tons of money trading.  people who have 401k's and other retirement investors tied to the stock market, will also see an increase in their portfolio's.  one thing though.  none of it is real.  the banks are just parking the money there until certainty returns and then they'll pull it out and start lending.

the problem?  obama's still in office.  certainty will not return and qe3 will end up back in the stock market again.  that's why the stock market did so well today.  everyone that knows whats about to happen thanks to qe3, is rushing to get back in to the stock market like hogs to the trough.  another reason besides uncertainty for banks and lenders to not loan is because people will not be able to borrow due to bad credit issues, job issues and their own amount of personal uncertainty.

many won't take the risk of buying now.  the money will be parked in the stock market.  when obama leaves will be taken out of the stock market and the stock market will drop to where it should be.  401k portfolio's will also drop.  the party will be over on wall street...just as the party is starting back up on main street and won't that be nice.  just the very presence of obama and his wacky, communist nature is killing the markets...all of them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

the thought of 9/11 not a bitter-sweet one....

when i think about bitter-sweet moments in my life it's usually when i'm reflecting on a photo-album moment like the birth and childhood of my children and how i miss those days.  i miss not being able to pick them up and hold them, i miss the moments when they made me so proud that i could cry.  those are the sweet moments that are mixed in with the bitter ones that i experienced during and after my divorce with their i missed them so much and how i wished that i had made better decisions that could have kept me in their lives more than i was during the time that they were growing up.

those were the bitter moments that i experienced in the memories of my kids growing up and turning into fine college educated, responsible young adults.  then, combine that with knowing that these experiences have led me down the path to who and where i am now.  a path that has taken me where i would not have gone otherwise...meeting people i would otherwise not have met.  bitter-sweet moments.  life is full of them.  september 11, 2001 was not one of them.  there was nothing "bitter-sweet" about 9/11.  i can think of a thousand adjectives but none of them would come close to being bitter-sweet.

tragic, horrible, un-explainable and evil would first come to mind, not what vice president joe biden called it today.  he called 9/11 a "bitter-sweet"  moment.  when i heard that it left a knot in my stomach.  it took me back to that day when the people trapped in the towers, ultimately had to make a decision of whether to be burned alive or jump, knowing that they would be killed.  it took me back to the horrors of imagining that it is was me on flight 93 knowing that something had to be done to stop the people that had hijacked the plane and that something would probably result in my death as the plane violently raced towards the ground at 500 mph.

that thought is not a bitter-sweet both frightens and saddens me because i know that "there go i but for the grace and mercy of god."  in the past, i've made jokes about some of the gaffe's that biden has made...but today, what he said was no laughing matter.  such a serious and somber occasion as 9/11 deserves to be honored and revered only by serious and somber leaders...of which we have neither.  with president obama, we have a leader who i learned today has once again slighted our friends and allies in israel, turning down a request for a meeting with israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu as well as arrogantly ignoring the speed with which he is driving our country into a point of no return with our economy, national security and standing in the world.

now, this.  the comment by a vice-president that is no laughing matter but a tragedy because as vice-president this man is only a heartbeat away from being a world leader.  another bitter-sweet thought for me is having a real president and vice-president...people who take their roles as world leaders with the seriousness, sobriety and concern for it's citizens that such a role requires and deserves.

Monday, September 10, 2012

something has been bothering me for awhile now. none of this made any sense. you have democrats who are growing government rapidly while at the same time, killing the private sector...intentionally. let me give you a scenario. 

normally, our government worked best when things were growing. if you have a lot of private business going on, the government taxes them at a decent rate and gets more to
operate and then the government grows to keep up with serving those private businesses. that's how it's supposed to work.

conversely, if you have a humongous government and private business is not growing and expanding, the government has less tax money coming in and then has to borrow. when the government borrows a lot then the dollar goes down in value and the interest rate on the borrowing goes up.

the people who are in private business or already unemployed get poorer. this is not sustainable because eventually not only will the government not have enough tax dollars coming in to operate if it's so bloated...the constant borrowing will eventually get them cut off from borrowing from other countries and the federal reserve who've been loaning the government money.

why would the democrats want to do this? a freshman student in economics would understand what i've just explained. so i know other democrat politicians understand this even if pres. obama doesn't? over the last few years, i've asked myself, "where will they go if they destroy our country? where will they raise their families for generations to come?" they couldn't possibly want to take it down completely.

regrettably i thought, maybe just to take it down to rebuild it the way that they see fit, be it communist or otherwise. however, today, it dawned on me. their intentions are not to rebuild it. their intentions are to auction it off to whoever gives "them" the best deal and the only country's that could afford to take on 315 million people is russia or china and they both happen to be communist just like frank.

whoever got us, would not have to fire a single shot. if our nation is destroyed economically...we will all be too poor to stop them. our constitution will have been trampled, our military decimated and secrets shared between russia and china. should president obama win his bid for re-election, communism is right around the corner.

in my humble opinion, they are merely keeping us distracted with muslims, jihad and so many other things. i'm sure that if frank marshall davis is looking up (not down)...he would be very proud of his son. obama may just have brokered the biggest deal in the world.

Obama campaign implies Romney's concern about 'God off our coins' is wacky

Obama campaign implies Romney's concern about 'God off our coins' is wacky:
The Obama campaign is mocking Mitt Romney’s moment of unrestrained patriotism -- or his subtle jab -- this weekend when he said he would not “take God off our coins.”

Sunday, September 9, 2012

if frank marshall davis is looking up (not down)...he would be very proud of his son.

something has been bothering me for awhile now. none of this made any sense. you have democrats who are growing government rapidly while at the same time, killing the private sector...intentionally. let me give you a scenario. 

normally, our government worked best when things were growing. if you have a lot of private business going on, the government taxes them at a decent rate and gets more to
operate and then the government grows to keep up with serving those private businesses. that's how it's supposed to work.

conversely, if you have a humongous government and private business is not growing and expanding, the government has less tax money coming in and then has to borrow. when the government borrows a lot then the dollar goes down in value and the interest rate on the borrowing goes up.

the people who are in private business or already unemployed get poorer. this is not sustainable because eventually not only will the government not have enough tax dollars coming in to operate if it's so bloated...the constant borrowing will eventually get them cut off from borrowing from other countries and the federal reserve who've been loaning the government money.

why would the democrats want to do this? a freshman student in economics would understand what i've just explained. so i know other democrat politicians understand this even if pres. obama doesn't? over the last few years, i've asked myself, "where will they go if they destroy our country? where will they raise their families for generations to come?" they couldn't possibly want to take it down completely.

regrettably i thought, maybe just to take it down to rebuild it the way that they see fit, be it communist or otherwise. however, today, it dawned on me. their intentions are not to rebuild it. their intentions are to auction it off to whoever gives "them" the best deal and the only country's that could afford to take on 315 million people is russia or china and they both happen to be communist just like frank.

whoever got us, would not have to fire a single shot. if our nation is destroyed economically...we will all be too poor to stop them. our constitution will have been trampled, our military decimated and secrets shared between russia and china. should president obama win his bid for re-election, communism is right around the corner.

in my humble opinion, they are merely keeping us distracted with muslims, jihad and so many other things. i'm sure that if frank marshall davis is looking up (not down)...he would be very proud of his son. obama may just have brokered the biggest deal in the world.

Ryan ridicules Dems, quotes journalist: 'They were against God before they were for him.'

Ryan ridicules Dems, quotes journalist: 'They were against God before they were for him.': COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is ridiculing Democrats for the floor fight that erupted at their national convention over restoring references to God and Jerusalem as Israel's capital to the official party platform.
"They cut references to God out of their platform," Ryan said to a chorus of boos during a rally