Tuesday, March 8, 2011

liberals are stealing benefits from the truly insane that need them more.

dear liberals: what happened? it was announced today that obama will not close camp gitmo. it was also annouced that we would not be leaving afghanistan in 2014. these two things were promised to you guys when he was campaigning. seems he's sold you short again. what about free healthcare? how's that working out for you? can you now just walk in to see any doctor...i take that back, just any old dr. would not do for you. can you walk in to see the "best" doctor for free.

let me answer that; no you can't. you can't walk into any doctors office or clinic and get anything for free. what obamacare did do was increase the cost of insurance for everyone, it's caused more doctors to either stop accepting medicare patients or retire. it is taking money from taxpayers now for benefits sometimes in the future if ever. another broken promise. by now you should be used to them. so keep on voting democrat...keep on letting them lie to you. you deserve it.

keep letting them lord over you and rule your every waking moment in a perverted dance of we give you free stuff and you give us your vote. when are you going to realize that nothing in life is free? when are you going to stop giving them your vote in exchange for promises that they never keep. the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

so guess how i view what you're doing? i see you as a poster child for insanity. no offense to the truly insane for your illness, but if you are "truly" insane you should feel slighted by these democrats who are only pretending to be, so they can continue to get free stuff.

1 comment:

  1. We seem to be talking to the choir. But maybe not based on the "shellacking" at the polls in Nov. 2010. We will keep up the work to have a take over in 2012. Keep up the good work, Darryl.
