Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Schumer Caught on Tape Urging Dems to Blame Tea Party for Possible Gov't...

senator charles schumer didn't realize his microphone was on and he was recorded scheming on how to spin the democrats reasons for not wanting to cut the budget. he wants to blame the tea party and going as far as telling fellow democrats to call the tea party 'extreme'. it appears that the democrats are playing games and scheming instead of going along with the $61 billion dollar cut proposed by republicans. when our country faces a $5 billion dollar a day deficit, the proposed cut would be eaten up in 12 days.

in my opinion, $61 billion is not nearly enough after president obama has tripled the defict in two years to nearly $4 trillion...yet the democrats seem to be intent on working against america. how much is $4 trillion? It would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out a roll of dollar bills behind it, 56 years before it reeled out four trillion dollar bills. you would think that the democrats would take this budget matter a little more seriously.

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