listening to sean hannity today had my blood boiling to the point where while i drove i had to decipher 800 whatever sean. cell phones don't have the alphabet below the numbers. once i deciphered it, i called and was referred to some other cute little phone number that i would have to decipher. i gave up before risking crashing into someone. so now that i'm home i can rant and rave here and get it out of my system. what was it that got me to that point?
sean was once again contradicting himself. first he pushed for us to go in and take qaddafi out and then he said why are we there. american soldiers's lives are at stake...does he not realize that he is a public figure and his words should not be spoken without giving careful consideration to what he was saying? what set me off even more was his conversation with the preacher that burned the koran. sean, kept asking the preacher to denounce what he had done because generals had asked him not to burn the koran and risk american troops. never mind that sean had called for attacking libya for no good reason that i've seen yet other than qaddafi is a brutal dictator. what about the other brutal dictators in the middle-east, china, africa etc? why qaddafi, why now? so, it was okay for him to risk american lives pushing for a war with libya, but not okay for the preacher to take a stand that may possibly risk american lives.
shouldn't we be taking a stand against these radical muslims that have seen the failed policies of our leaders for years now and are attacking us because they know they can get away with it? the answer in my opinion is yes, we do need to take a stand. if the government won't, people like this preacher should. muslims must feel that they can play games with us because our leaders are inept and corrupt; looking at oil and power over the real issues that affect our country. muslims don't realize that the american people are not weak...yet they continue to poke at our hornets nest, unwisely thinking; okay they'll bomb us for a few weeks-sure some of our people will die, but they will be martyrs. when it comes to bloodshed these american infidels are weak and can not stand to see the blood of one of their sons or daughters. they cannot stand to see their soldiers coming home in boxes. therefore, they continue as they have for far too long now.
i am glad to see this preacher take a stand. he has drawn a line in the sand and said...wait, now you are dealing with the american people. you burn our flags, our bibles and behead our people at will and now...we've had enough. keep it up and we will destroy you. the message was not bogged down in politics or rhetoric. it was a simple message that they can easily understand. our leaders should be the ones standing up to these fanatics instead of slapping them with one hand and accepting their money and oil with the other. they should be the ones saying we are not weak and we are not afraid of you. our leaders should be leading the charge and asking us if they should start drilling for oil, thereby breaking these financial, oil related ties that are around our necks and then they should tell them to stick their oil up their scrawny little asses and don't ask us for anything. if you want to torture, rape and murder your own be it, but if we hear of you killing one more christian, pull out your rugs and start praying because we will hunt you down and kill a bunch of your people for every american, christian or jew that you kill.
only when our government understands how muslims feel through their hatred towards us and how americans feel about this unwarranted hatred will we see progress in our relationship with those who do not respect us. personally, i've always been of the mindset that it is better to be respected than liked. as for sean, i no longer like or respect his views.
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