Friday, March 4, 2011

one can be easily swayed by those who tell them what they want to hear.

it seems that those who talk against capitalism come in two varieties. they are either living "the american dream" as self-made wealthy capitalist or in the group that are, well...jealous of capitalist because of their own shortcomings and lack of ambition. these anti-capitalist "wealthy" capitalist in the first group, by and large have made their money off of brainwashing and fueling the fires of anti-capitalism by writing books, making movies and giving lectures telling the lame how those evil capitalist are holding them down and ruining our country and the planet.

this is wrong-headed thinking. most "capitalist" run businesses that have employees that depend on them to provide for their families. in addition these business owners and ceo's have to worry about taking care of their own families while being raked through the coals in the media. these business owners' are usually too tired and stressed after working all day to then have to worry themselves with holding someone down. instead they are lifting people up by providing jobs and giving back to their communities in the form of grants, scholarships and huge amounts of tax revenues for politicians to waste.

it is instead, those who make millions writing books, making movies and giving lectures that have the time on their hands to plot and plan on how to keep themselves and their families wealthy by feeding on the insecurities of their not so smart followers. being lazy and unambitious has its can be easily swayed by those who tell them what they want to hear.

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