Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Queen - 'We Will Rock You'

i think queen must have seen into our future...well here we are.

the u.s.a. now has inflation and deflation at the same time. here's why.

here is an article explaining how you can have inflation and deflation at the same time.

May 14, 2008

In common usage, deflation is generally considered to be "falling prices" while Inflation is "rising prices". Actually this is "price inflation" as opposed to "monetary inflation". For more information see What is Deflation? and What is Inflation? and Inflation Cause and Effects.

So if inflation is rising prices and deflation is falling prices, how can prices rise and fall at the same time? Somehow that seems counter intuitive.

Obviously, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics comes up with the Consumer Price Index it is either higher or lower than the month before so we have inflation or deflation.

But that is the number for the whole economy, it includes over 10,000 items and takes into consideration all aspects of the economy.

However, every month some prices are rising while others are falling. So the inflation rate is a compilation of all of these factors. Currently, we have some major inflationary forces combined with some deflationary forces.

On the inflationary side we have rampant money creation, and dollar devaluation compared to other currencies. This is causing prices for food and energy to skyrocket.

On the deflationary side we have the sub-prime fiasco which is reducing liquidity for banks and causing housing prices to fall.

So there you have it, rising food and energy prices and falling housing prices... inflation and deflation at the same time.

Tim McMahon, Editor/

a barrel of money for a loaf of bread ....not yet.

wikipedia defines hyperinflation as follows:

A vicious circle is created in which more and more inflation is created with each iteration of the ever increasing money printing cycle.

Hyperinflation becomes visible when there is an unchecked increase in the money supply (see hyperinflation in Zimbabwe) usually accompanied by a widespread unwillingness on the part of the local population to hold the hyperinflationary money for more than the time needed to trade it for something non-monetary to avoid further loss of real value.

Hyperinflation is often associated with:

1). wars (or their aftermath),

2). currency meltdowns,

3). political or social upheavals, or

4). aggressive bidding on currency exchanges.

i think wikipedia made a mistake by saying "or" on number three. it should be "and" because right now...we don't just have one or two of these, we have all four. this must be an old definition; even though wikipedia is constantly updated. can you imagine how out of touch with reality the other dictionary's are.

how much longer? we can't be too far away. better stock up.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Schumer Caught on Tape Urging Dems to Blame Tea Party for Possible Gov't...

senator charles schumer didn't realize his microphone was on and he was recorded scheming on how to spin the democrats reasons for not wanting to cut the budget. he wants to blame the tea party and going as far as telling fellow democrats to call the tea party 'extreme'. it appears that the democrats are playing games and scheming instead of going along with the $61 billion dollar cut proposed by republicans. when our country faces a $5 billion dollar a day deficit, the proposed cut would be eaten up in 12 days.

in my opinion, $61 billion is not nearly enough after president obama has tripled the defict in two years to nearly $4 trillion...yet the democrats seem to be intent on working against america. how much is $4 trillion? It would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out a roll of dollar bills behind it, 56 years before it reeled out four trillion dollar bills. you would think that the democrats would take this budget matter a little more seriously.

Milton Friedman - Socialism vs. Capitalism

Obama -The One Video

Monday, March 28, 2011

In My Opinion: my thoughts on obama's excuses concerning our invo...

In My Opinion: my thoughts on obama's excuses concerning our invo...: "what about the genocide in darfur and rwanda? as for evil murdering leaders, what about those that live in his home country of africa? there are some tribal leaders there i'm sure that are mistreating the 12 or so people in their village. when are we going in?

does obama really think that the american people don't know that we control and fund nato? with a price tag of $600 million per day this is a war that we can not afford.

who died and made obama king? the president does not have the authority to declare war without the approval of congress. now that he's made that illegal decision, he's treating it like a hot potato and trying to pass it off on someone else. nato is not someone else, we will still be calling the shots. just another lie of his.

why is taking out qaddafi more important than protecting our southern borders from illegal aliens that are unfairly bankrupting our nation while trafficking in both drugs and humans. going in and helping the citizens there would not be a humanitarian effort? i think it would, are you saying a libyan life is more valuable that a mexican one? mexican american voters aren't going to like that very much.

i know i'm asking a lot of questions here and i know this "your war", but i have to ask. i would hate to see us get involved with no clear mission or objective. by the way are you sure those rebels your protecting for $600 million a day aren't al qaeda? i mean that wouldn't make much sense would it? we're capturing or killing them in afghanistan and iraq and then supporting them from brutality in libya.

hey, but what the heck do i know...i thought from the beginning that we should keep gitmo open...but that's another story, live and learn mr. president, live and learn. "

the obama administration is playing an extreme game of "chicken".....

the obama administration is playing an extreme game of chicken with nearly 70% of american voters who oppose his policies. in my opinion, this is intentional. this president does not care about polls; he cares about pushing his agenda through by "any means necessary". i believe he has a three fold strategy to appease those who support and control him.

the first part of his strategy is to push the progressive agenda of socialism.

the second phase of this strategy is to appease his communist supporters who want chaos and civil unrest.

the third strategy is to combine a various assortment of fringe groups that he is appeasing such as labor unions who want both big government restraints in their favor and chaos.

what do these groups have in common?
they all share a desire for power and world dominance. if i had to put george soros, the clintons, pelosi and reid in a category, it would be in the progressive group. all of the other tag alongs like jesse jackson, the naacp, la raza etc are doing it to get their smaller agendas through and for tax payer money.

what should our conservative grass roots do?
the obama administration is playing an extreme game of torture on our psyche and in a twisted and warped way, they think the stuff they're doing is for our own good...let me give you an example. when you want to change someone you break them down mentally first. our american armed services does it best and have been doing it for years. when they get new recruits for basic training, they shave their heads, yell and scream at them and tear down their egos and sense of individuality. this is what the obama administration is doing to us, they're intentionally trying to break us down so they can remake us into what they want us to be.

their endeavors have been so successful, that they have not had time to stop us from communicating and organizing against them, but they are working fast to correct that. we're not trying to be remade or rebuilt...and our opposition has been strong and effective. they have not been able to break our will...yet. they are looking for us to submit to their will or fight...yes, they want civil unrest. they are counting on it, so they can discredit and destroy us. they have the power at the moment to do so.

so what do we do?
go on with living a normal life (i know that's tough, but just don't let them get in your head. that's what they want. stay the course and systematically vote them out. otherwise they win. they want chaos and civil war...they're planning on it. even if they lose they win. they tear down our civilization.

what happens to a recruit in basic training that causes problems? the full might of the established system comes down on them to discredit and destroy him. in such a situation, it is better to continue to play by the rules and not let their mind games get to you. soon obama and his cronies will be gone and we will have the privilege of seeing them punished by a god that they do not believe in...they will be gone...we just have to get through this.

it's only making us better. look at the progress we as americans have made in the last two years...look at the conservatives who now connect on a daily basis.