Saturday, September 22, 2012

As Obama runs ads in Pakistan apologizing for free speech, Pakistan Minister offers $100,000 reward for death of US filmmaker

As Obama runs ads in Pakistan apologizing for free speech, Pakistan Minister offers $100,000 reward for death of US filmmaker:
Pakistan Minister offers $100,000 reward for death of US filmmaker _ BreakingNews.ie_1348334438274Pakistani policeman looks at injured rioter
What did Obama achieve by running apology pro-sharia campaign ads in Pakistan? He sanctioned the motive. He sanctioned the brutal, anti-human blasphemy laws under the sharia. The more he fails .... the more he fails. There will be catastrophic consequences to the disastrous foreign policy failures of our anti-freedom president.
Deadly Anti-U.S. Riots Despite Obama's Ad Denouncing Video ABC News 
Deadly anti-U.S. protests erupted in Pakistan despite an unusual ad on
Pakistani TV featuring President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton denouncing the movie "Innocence of Muslims," the anti-Islam video that has fueled much of the Pakistani fury.

The ads have been running this week on seven different Pakistani
television stations in an attempt to cool tempers over the film, but
today's protests were the largest seen so far since the controversy
began in Pakistan last week with the attempted storming of the U.S.
"Pakistan Minister offers $100,000 reward for death of US filmmaker" Breaking

A Pakistani Cabinet minister has today
offered a US$100,000 reward for the death of the US filmmaker whose
movie features a depiction of Islam’s Prophet Mohammed.

Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilor said he would pay the reward out of his own pocket.

He also urged the Taliban and al-Qaida to perform the “sacred duty” of helping locate and kill the filmmaker.

More than 20 people died yesterday in clashes with police in cities throughout the country.

film has sparked violent protests throughout the Muslim world that
resulted in the deaths of dozens, including the US ambassador to Libya.

of people were injured today in a clash in Bangladesh’s capital between
police and hundreds of demonstrators, as protests continued in the
Muslim world against the film.

Police fired tear gas and used
batons today to disperse the stone-throwing protesters, who were from
about a dozen Islamic groups.

The protesters burned several vehicles in Dhaka, including a police van, witnesses said.

Dozens of protesters were arrested at the demonstration and inside the nearby National Press Club, where participants took refuge, a Dhaka Metropolitan Police official said.

Police and witnesses said scores of people were injured.

The clash erupted when authorities attempted to halt the demonstration, police said.

have banned all protests near the city’s main Baitul Mokarram mosque
since yesterday, when more than 2,000 people marched and burned an
effigy of President Barack Obama.

The protesters announced a nationwide general strike tomorrow to protest the police action.

Pakistan, protests continued today, with more than 1,500 people,
including women and children, rallying in Pakistan’s capital. The crowd
was peaceful but angry over the release of the video called Innocence of
Muslims, which portrays the Prophet Mohammed as a fraud, a womaniser
and a child molester.

The protesters – from the Minhaj-ul-Quran
religious group – marched through Islamabad’s streets and then gathered
near Parliament, chanting slogans against the filmmaker and demanding
stern punishment for him.

Thousands of people also protested
today in Nigeria’s largest city, Kano. The crowd marched from a mosque
to the palace of the Emir of Kano, the region’s top spiritual leader for

About 200 students
in Srinagar, the main city in Indian-controlled Kashmir, chanted “Down
with America” and “Long live Islam” in a peaceful protest.

Some carried a placard that read: “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger.”

Thursday, September 20, 2012

White House Prevented IG From Pursuing Lead In "Fast and Furious"

White House Prevented IG From Pursuing Lead In "Fast and Furious":


During the House Government Oversight Committee Hearing, the Department of Justice IG says that the White House refused to share internal communications on Fast and Furious (September 20, 2012).

Letterman asks Obama if national debt is around $10 trillion, impreciseness ensues

Letterman asks Obama if national debt is around $10 trillion, impreciseness ensues:
**Written by Doug Powers
President Obama went on David Letterman’s show last night, and when the conversation turned to the national debt, Dave was once again happy to help by resetting the national debt back to the level it was when Obama took office:
“Here’s what I found troubling [at the GOP convention]. They had the clock, the debt countdown clock and, I mean, this thing is going like crazy and it’s several trillion dollars. Now, what is that?” Letterman asked, after admitting he is ignorant of many political matters.
After blaming Bush for starting two wars “on a credit card” and saying that we had to spend money to prop up fledgling industries during the recession, Letterman asked of the debt: “Now, do you remember what that number was? Was it $10 trillion?”
The Washington Post notes that the debt is growing so fast there is no such thing as a precise recollection, but Obama certainly could have said, “closer to $16 trillion.”
Instead, the president seemingly let the group continue to think our national debt is roughly $6 trillion less than it is, saying simply: “I don’t remember what the number was, precisely.”
“I don’t remember precisely” is understandable. It’s not as if Obama was going to throw that gift back in Letterman’s face by saying “you’re way off, Dave. It’s $6 trillion higher than that — over $16 trillion total!” Instead the president claimed to be unsure about the exact amount. But I’ll bet anything he knows precisely how much his campaign took in at Jay-Z and Beyonce’s fundraiser last night:

All politicians should be required to wear clocks around their necks, except instead of the time these clocks would display the national debt.

national debt

Update: On the same show, President Obama told Letterman that it isn’t right to refer to political opponents as “unpatriotic.” Naturally Obama didn’t say that he’s the one exception to that rule:

(h/t Weasel Zippers)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe

Demoralized as Hell, The poll the media isn’t talking about edition

Demoralized as Hell, The poll the media isn’t talking about edition: For the last two weeks we have been treated to the narrative that Barack Obama is surging at the polls, Mitt Romney is in trouble and unless there is a massive change in direction it is all over. Simply put this is a lie. Of all the polls you have seen, there is one poll [...]

mercenaries for hire because our leader's are corrupt

what good does it do to get a larger amount of college tuition when colleges and university's have raised the cost of going to college? a student wouldn't get any more for his buck except being deeper in debt. what good has it done for our government to have spent 15 trillion dollars since 1964 and poverty not having improved? each year the government spends more. in the case of poverty, the g
overnment has at least eight agency's to dispense aid to the poor...many of those agencies doing the same thing.

each agency has a staff, offices, supplies, vehicles and other expenses that have to be paid and the money goes to paying for those government workers and preparing to give out aid. this results in spending more preparing to give out aid than actually giving out aid to the poor. doesn't this provide jobs for those government workers that wouldn't otherwise have a job? what it does is take away more tax dollars from the private sector. the private sector makes things or provides a service that people want and pay for. the owner of that private sector business for example may spend $10 dollars to make a gadget to sell. they sell it to the person that wants it for $15 and makes a profit of $5. they are happy for having made $5 for each gadget they sell and the person that wanted and bought the gadget is happy.

the maker of the gadget does the same thing again and again. his gadgets are so popular that he needs help. he hires people. now, let's compare that to the government. the government takes money from gadget makers and service providers all over the country to hire government workers. those workers provide a service as well. they don't make and sell gadgets or provide services at a profit...they provide a service that makes no money. that service is then given away with the exception of some fee's that the government charges which with along with the money they take from gadget makers and service providers in the private sector, goes towards paying the bills for all the things the government needs to provide that service and then give it away.

there isn't enough money coming in from fees and there aren't enough gadget makers and service providers to take the money from to keep up with government spending. some say take more from the gadget makers and service providers. that will help, they say. they say this instead of saying let's make the government stop giving away more than we have to give. the gadget makers and service providers can't give more and then make more gadgets or provide more services if it's being taken away by the government to pay for government workers and the stuff they need to help give services away. the government doesn't produce anything. they don't make gadgets or provide services that make a profit where that profit can make more gadgets and provide more services that will require more jobs.

no, they take more and give more away. they spend more and hire more to help give more away. this can't go on and is why our nation is now borrowing money from the federal reserve and other country's because they have run out of people to take money from. now they are looking at the wealthy. in a nation of 315 million people, the percentage of wealthy is relatively small...if it was easy to become wealthy, everyone would be wealthy. it's much easier to remain middle-class or poor than it is to become wealthy, so there just aren't that many of them. yet, they have what the government needs and so the government sets about to take more so they can give more away...but before they do, they need to hire more people who will need more stuff so they can more easily give more money away. once they've taken from the wealthy, the government then looks to the middle class to finance their jobs.

doesn't this sound like a racket? doesn't this sound like the people who we've elected, then hire more people? doesn't it sound like they write more laws that will help them give themselves more money so they can do a better job of giving more money away? it doesn't just sound that way, it is that way. as the government takes more from the gadget makers and service providers who make a profit and then hire people, it makes the gadget makers and service providers poorer and they can no longer hire as many if any at all. they can't meet the demand for those gadgets and services either.

when the government takes money from the wealthy to be able to give more to the poor and middle-class, the wealthy become poorer and can't even think about opening a business that makes gadgets or provides a service that will eventually hire people. eventually there are fewer and fewer jobs. fewer and fewer gadgets and services. the government has to look to then borrow more from the federal reserve and other countries to start giving that borrowed money away. eventually the wealthy start hiding their money or moving away to another friendlier country to keep what they made from selling gadgets or providing a service.

then when the government can no longer borrow money to maintain their own jobs and then give whatever is left over away...what will they do? they must create a war to put people back to work...but that too costs money that they will have to borrow. they must sell themselves to a smarter country as mercenaries, so that they can then reduce the numbers of people who get free stuff from them when they go off to war to die...but

the government workers who put them in this situation in the first place still have jobs. they don't go off to the war they create to have more money to give away. all of this just to keep a job when they instead could have gone to work making gadgets or providing a service instead? why would they...when they can just learn to lie about their intentions? it's much easier for them to do it that way. they've put you in bondage just to work for them while you're being kept on a chain. free your mind, vote for peace and prosperity; then let's get back to the constitution what our founders wrote to protect us...which our current leader's have chose to ignore.

Monday, September 17, 2012

i've been watching the protest in the middle-east. pres. obama and his other two stooges have claimed that arabs are just upset with us because we "offended them". no. they hate us. they hate us because we are not muslim. this is the ultimate prejudice. liberals defend blacks, hispanics, gays, the poor and women against prejudice here. a type of prejudice that has not existed since the 1960s. 

yet, they don't and won't defend american's against prejudice coming from arabs that kill us around the globe and in our own lands. what kind of sh_t is that? now liberals want to make us fearful once again. no. we won't cower in fear so our own government can steal more of our rights and more of our freedoms. no. we will not give up our rights to free speech in worry of offending arabs as they burn our flag and kill our people. if they're that mad...they know where we live...let them come and get some of this all american ass whupping and then they will have something to be mad about.

Obama Administration Claims Libya Attack Was Spontaneous While Libyan Officials Insist It Was a Planned Assault

Obama Administration Claims Libya Attack Was Spontaneous While Libyan Officials Insist It Was a Planned Assault:
The Obama administration is saying that the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya last week was spontaneous. Four people were killed in the attack, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.
In an interview on Fox News Sunday, Susan Rice, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., claimed that the violence stems solely from reaction to an anti-Muslim video, saying, “The best assessment we have today is that, in fact, this was not a pre-planned, pre-meditated attack, that what happened initially is that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video.”
Libya’s president, however, disagrees claiming that the violence was indeed planned, and was likely the work of militants linked to al Qaeda.
KT McFarland and Stephen Hayes joined America’s Newsroom to comment on the situation.
McFarland asserts that the Obama administration knows that this was not a spontaneous attack, but ahead of the election is trying to place the blame elsewhere, “so that nobody can blame them for a failed Middle East policy.”
Hayes said that throughout the president’s time in office, his administration has repeatedly tried to downplay any previous attacks and to suggest that there was nothing that they could have done to prevent them.

Chicago Teachers Union Continues Strike

Chicago Teachers Union Continues Strike:
The Chicago teachers union will continue its week-old strike in the nation’s third-largest city, keeping thousands of students out of class.
The union’s House of Delegates declined to vote on whether to end the strike Sunday after hearing details of a tentative contract agreement. Teachers will keep picketing Monday, one week after teachers walked out.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel and union representatives were pushing for a quick resolution as parents found alternatives for about 350,000 students. A proposed settlement was reached this weekend on sticking points that included teacher evaluations and job security.
The settlement needs to be approved by the union’s full 25,000 members within two weeks of the delegates suspending a strike.
The delegates’ mood was serious, and many declined to speak with reporters. A union representative told reporters waiting outside of the closed-door meeting that it will be “a long process.”
Many teachers headed into the vote still unhappy with the wording of some contract provisions contained in a rough outline released late Saturday by the Chicago Teachers Union, said second grade teacher Julie McDevitt. The contract outline calls for annual raises, but it doesn’t restore a 4 percent raise that was rescinded last year. Teachers had also expressed concern about easing overcrowding, scarce office supplies and an evaluation procedure they said was too heavily based on student test scores.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

FLASHBACK: BHO 2007 "The World Will Have Confidence That I Am Listening - We Will Be Safer"

FLASHBACK: BHO 2007 "The World Will Have Confidence That I Am Listening - We Will Be Safer":

Tell that to the our ambassador that was raped and killed.

Limbaugh - Obama in deep poo poo

Limbaugh - Obama in deep poo poo:

What a great way to listen to Rush.

Colorado School Takes Rosary Beads Away From Student

Colorado School Takes Rosary Beads Away From Student:
The rosary represents a Catholic symbol for a series of prayers, but at one Colorado school, the beads are a problem. 16-year-old student Manuel Vigil says he wears the beads because they make him feel safe. The school feels differently, saying that the rosary beads can be mistaken for a gang symbol.
Thompson school district spokesperson, Margaret Crespo, said, “We’ve given you two opportunities to take it off or to put it inside your shirt, and that’s not something that you’re interested in doing, then you don’t leave us an alternative but to remove it.”

Related Links:

The school has taken the beads away from Vigil twice since school started, and he says he’s not allowed to have it back unless a parent comes to pick it up.

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keep your eyes on the stock market going up, while our economy suffers and walks the green mile.

i was listening to talk radio on the way to the store this morning. they had some stock broker's on and they were giddy with excitement. they're expecting a big rally in the market tomorrow. so am i. all traders are giddy now. 

the cow's about to be slaughtered and no matter that there will be no more milk for us all to drink now that the federal reserve has committed $80 billion dollars a 
month to mortgage backed security bonds. the fed's said they did it to spur the get people to start borrowing money to buy houses again.

if the housing market cranks up, then construction and all things tied to the purchase of a house goes up too. furniture, accessories, more beer for the construction workers...everything. $80 billion per month is a lot of money for lenders to loan. the only problem is they won't.

not that they won't have it to's just that a lot of people have bad credit or a foreclosure or bankruptcy on their records. they won't qualify to get their hands on any of that money....even if they do qualify. many won't want to borrow because of the economy. they don't feel too sure about things yet.

they don't feel sure about the job market. they may get laid off. if they're self-employed...they don't feel confident in that business will come in enough for them to afford a new house. so they wait. what will lenders do with all of this money on hand? they can't loan it they'll park it on the stock market.

this artificially drives up the stock market. artificially because when the market does come back...lenders will pull their money out and thus pull the rug out from under the stock market. the whole thing will crash back down to below 10 thousand since it is still primed with previous quantitative easement money from the last time the federal reserve did the same thing.

it didn't work then for anyone but stock broker's and with artificially inflating stock portfolio's in investment portfolio's for awhile....hardly worth destroying the country over for anyone...even giddy stock brokers.

the giddy stock brokers will make a lot of money in the short run...but then have to pay it back with all of the rest of us because the federal reserve loaned us that money...they didn't just give it to us. yep, those people making money now off of qe3 will pay some of it back in taxes.

because of the size of these "gifts" to the lenders...taxes can't be paid back in just one lifetime. no, it will take several if not more lifetimes. the lifetimes of your kids and grandkids to pay back if ever. that's a lot of money...those stock broker's must not have any children or grandchildren. although i can't blame them for taking advantage of this manna from heaven today.

no, their great great grandchildren are going to be mad as hell at them for leaving them in so much debt 20 to 50 years from now. i hope they make enough to get really, really rich right now and then put a huge chunk of it away...because their future generations will be really, really poor and mad at them if they don't leave them anything but a lifetime of debt behind.

why do hours of discussion and books need to be written about something so simple?

this is what i want to see on the news. i don't want to see a group of over-paid, over 50, white men talking on t.v. about what they "think" is going on in the middle-east. even if they bring in juan williams and won't make me feel any better about whether they know what they're talking about or not in the middle-east. 

i want them to bring in a few arabs that are out in the stree
t burning up stuff to tell me what's going on. i want to see a woman and a man. a want to see a few young arabs and a few old ones too. i want to hear what they have to say about it even though i know they won't tell the truth either unless we offer them immunity from being beheaded or stoned when they get back home.

i would ask them, "why the hell are you doing this?" of course these people wouldn't know...but at least there would be more entertainment value in the show that night. they wouldn't know because these for the most part are simple-minded people. if they have a job; they're used to a boss telling them, "pick this up and put it over there." then they go do it.

after they've done it, you pay them and then they go buy some food for their family and come back the next day to do the same thing all over. so when they have religious leaders who are "smart" telling them what to do (under the threat of death) then they go do it. the students are not that much different. they believe what they are told. they are told all of their young lives that jews and american's are infidels and that they should be killed.

so, what's so hard to understand about that? why do hours of discussion and books need to be written about something so simple? there is no solution to "the arab problem". they want to live as they live and what's more...they've been taught to kill us. to solve that would take the arab masses to protest about better jobs, more money..a better education. this isn't what they're burning stuff over. they're chanting they want to kill us.

without either making them all total captives and retraining their thought process for several generations or annihilating them all, there is no solution. there won't be any peace in the middle-east...not ever. there are too many various tribes with too many warring factions to ever bring them all together into one civilized world understanding. there have been too many years of built up hatreds for other tribes and towards american's and jews for this to be changed over night.

the pundits on t.v., universities and even on facebook...continue to talk in round-table discussions as if there were some real and obtainable solution...there isn't except to leave them alone to fight amongst themselves, take them over by force and make them all, "pick this up and take it over there" and then pay them, or just send in the missiles and blow the whole place up and then start all over by sending the ones from here and europe back to repopulate the places there. those are the only "real" solutions and i don't need to hear geraldo, juan and over-paid, over 50 white men telling me any different.