Wednesday, March 9, 2011

what's fox news up to? what did libya do to them?

why is fox news pushing so hard for conservatives to support an attack on libya. i'm sorry, explain to me how this helps our nation? oil? if it's about oil...they should stop pushing an attack on libya and start pushing the discussion of drilling oil here. do we really need to get involved once again in trying to influence affairs in the middle east? i mean really, how has that worked out for us so far?

sorry, fox news groupies, these days i'm questioning everyones' motives. i'm awake now. when i do finally sleep (with one eye open), i know that there are millions of other conservatives watching my back.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In My Opinion: liberals are stealing benefits from the truly insa...

In My Opinion: liberals are stealing benefits from the truly insa...: "dear liberals: what happened? it was announced today that obama will not close camp gitmo. it was also annouced that we would not be leaving..."

liberals are stealing benefits from the truly insane that need them more.

dear liberals: what happened? it was announced today that obama will not close camp gitmo. it was also annouced that we would not be leaving afghanistan in 2014. these two things were promised to you guys when he was campaigning. seems he's sold you short again. what about free healthcare? how's that working out for you? can you now just walk in to see any doctor...i take that back, just any old dr. would not do for you. can you walk in to see the "best" doctor for free.

let me answer that; no you can't. you can't walk into any doctors office or clinic and get anything for free. what obamacare did do was increase the cost of insurance for everyone, it's caused more doctors to either stop accepting medicare patients or retire. it is taking money from taxpayers now for benefits sometimes in the future if ever. another broken promise. by now you should be used to them. so keep on voting democrat...keep on letting them lie to you. you deserve it.

keep letting them lord over you and rule your every waking moment in a perverted dance of we give you free stuff and you give us your vote. when are you going to realize that nothing in life is free? when are you going to stop giving them your vote in exchange for promises that they never keep. the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

so guess how i view what you're doing? i see you as a poster child for insanity. no offense to the truly insane for your illness, but if you are "truly" insane you should feel slighted by these democrats who are only pretending to be, so they can continue to get free stuff.

Monday, March 7, 2011

In My Opinion: ruining a nation 101. tonights guest speaker: non ...

In My Opinion: ruining a nation 101. tonights guest speaker: non ...: "obama walks like a duck, quacks like a duck but half the country sees an articulate swan. sorry, i don't want any kool-aid and quackers. i w..."

ruining a nation 101. tonights guest speaker: non other than satan himself.

obama walks like a duck, quacks like a duck but half the country sees an articulate swan. sorry, i don't want any kool-aid and quackers. i want a leader that doesn't believe that america should be passed off as an ordinary nation. i don't want to become involved with idda only. if "idda only" knew that he was trying to destroy the country with his beliefs and world views that differ radically from ours.

if we had elected a person with emotional ties to another country...would they not see things differently than we do? that is exactly what we have here. i don't care where he was born, his heart is not into americanism. he does not have emotional ties to the usa, his heart is into "transforming" this country and in his vision, making it better...okay, no problem if he had told us the whole story and we agreed to it...then fine. however, he only tricked us by using rosy terms that sounded good. "change", "transform", "redistribute", "collective".

these are all words that sound positive. the problem is he didn't give details and his followers didn't ask for them. he gives new meaning to the phrase, "the devil's in the details".

when we started finding out about the details, we saw that he's driving us so far into the ground, we'll probably get a chance to see the devil's lecture on the details. an example of that. spending for just the month of february, 2011 - $223 billion. spending for all of 2007, $161 billion. another word the liberals like to use...unsustainable. they got that one dead on.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

In My Opinion: muslims... don't take our kindness and openness as...

In My Opinion: muslims... don't take our kindness and openness as...: "i've known a few muslims in my lifetime. they've been cool with me and that's not always easy because i'm not always that easy to get along ..."

muslims... don't take our kindness and openness as a weakness..

i've known a few muslims in my lifetime. they've been cool with me and that's not always easy because i'm not always that easy to get along with because of my outspokenness. i don't agree with what the muslim radicals are doing and i do think that if they are strict followers of the koran, then they may not want me sharing the same planet with them...that's fine as long as they keep those feelings inside. i don't fear them and hope they're quicker on the draw if they should ever attempt to harm me or anyone near me.

so they can think what they want, do what they want as long as it doesn't affect me. i don't care. just keep your feelings and actions to yourself and we're fine. the minute you as much as disrespect me or try to harm me we've got problems. let me tell you, you're brethren who are out demonstrating are pushing you very close to the "we've got problems line". if i were you and you want to live a peaceful life in "my" country...i say my because god allowed me to be born here, so that in my opinion makes it "my"; you'd better start talking to them and telling them to back down. don't think for a minute that you can take our kindness and openness as a weakness. we may be childish and playful, but nowhere near weak. think about it.

In My Opinion: my bucket list.

In My Opinion: my bucket list.: "i never got a chance to see the movie 'the bucket list' or whatever its called. one of these days it will be on tv and i'll watch it there. ..."

my bucket list.

i never got a chance to see the movie "the bucket list" or whatever its called. one of these days it will be on tv and i'll watch it there. i saw the trailer so i pretty much get the premise. two guys think it's almost over for them so they want to go out and taste life before they meet their maker...yada, yada, yada. okay i get it.

so today although only 49, you never know these days...i got to asking myself, what can i do to scare the hell out of myself to start living again? hmm...i don't want to jump out an airplane. i don't even want to get on an airplane unless i absolutely have to. i've flown and it's not very comfortable for anyone over 6 ft tall.

i don't want to go on a safari...i'm not even to crazy about the prospect of going to a foreign land and giving money to people who don't really like me or the country that i'm from. isn't that called aiding and abetting the enemy?

i don't need another fast car...i did that in my twenties and almost killed myself and others more times than i care to remember.

the obama administration is doing more than enough things to really scare the hell out of me and give me something to work towards. so i really don't need anything additional to kickstart my adrenaline and get me fired up. what i really need is more guns, more ammo, more food stocked up and maybe a few more dogs to bite the heck out of anyone trying to get to the stuff i've stocked up if things keep going downhill from the policies of this administration. bucket list...yeah right.

In My Opinion: follow me at:

In My Opinion: follow me at:: ""

follow me at:

In My Opinion: i had no expectations of a good outcome with an ob...

In My Opinion: i had no expectations of a good outcome with an ob...: "disappointments can be hard to deal with when we're faced with them. we have certain expectations of ourselves and even more from others. wh..."

i had no expectations of a good outcome with an obama presidency.

disappointments can be hard to deal with when we're faced with them. we have certain expectations of ourselves and even more from others. when we fail to accomplish what we think we're capable of accomplishing, we become disappointed. when we hold others up to certain standards and they don't live up to them, they disappoint us. acceptance is an elusive target that keeps moving. so we tend to instead lock onto something more; more for ourselves and more for others to accomplish.

let's take president obama for example. i had no expectations of a good outcome concerning his presidency because i read between the lines and looked at the scenario realistically. here we have a middle aged man with no real experience being propped up by the media, adored by the masses because of his ability to speak well from a teleprompter, a man of two race, who looked like he had it all. a family, a law degree from harvard and a budding career as a young senator. comparisons were made to martin luther king, jr., john kennedy and an even more ridiculous comparison...jesus or the messiah. he was given a nobel peace prize not for anything he'd done, but because of others' expectations of what he would do.

however, what i saw was a shaky politician and opportunist, who was riding the wave of peoples' expectations of what they thought he was capable of doing and not basing their opinions of him on anything other than their expectations of what he would or could do. is this a way to select the leader of the free world? obama has exceeded my low expectations of him and proven to be worse than i could have ever imagined.

our culture has become a nation of dreamers. we dream of "hitting" the lottery, finding a case full of money that a drug dealer or bank robber lost on the side of the road. we dream of living a fabulous life where everyone loves us and we have no bills to pay, and we live in mansions and drive bentley's and porsches. we live day to day and entertain ourselves with fantasies that we see others living on tv or in the gossip columns. that's why it amazes me to see or hear of someone who is offered a promotion and they turn it down, offered a business deal or partnership and they pass on it and when asked why, they say it would be too much responsibility or i don't think i want to go in that direction. what? you want a better life, but you don't want to go in that direction because it's too much work and would cut into your entertainment, daydream time? give me a break. when faced with reality the expectations seem to have cold water thrown on them.

i spoke with a cpa friend last week. he stopped by my office. he loves to debate me. it seems that my office at times is like a barbershop where people come by to debate and argue with me more than anything else. well, the last time i saw him nearly a year ago, he was still calling himself an independent voter. he's a black guy in his 50's. he has had a very decent life along the way. he has a master's degree served as an officer in the military...been married to the same woman for many years. they have two grown kids now in the military and one still in high school. he served as a high level irs executive until his retirement and now has a cpa firm. he has lived up to his expectations for himself through hard work and dedication; however, his expectations of obama were high at one they've gone through the floor and his pride just won't let him admit that i was right...but of course i don't let him off the hook that easily and rub it in the whole time we visit. he wouldn't believe me when i told him that he's a closet republican.

i told him if not then he's the only democrat that i know with 800 credit scores. he then told me i was the only republican that he knows that's no longer out on a limb...but now i'm living out on a leaf. i thought that was pretty funny. he's still a brainwashed liberal. he thinks all republicans are rich and i guess my expectations of liberals aren't all that high. there's probably an area of compromise to our differing believes but we didn't find them that day and i'm not sure we ever will, but he is at least being realistic about obama now. one down and half a country to go. i don't know... 2012 is coming pretty quickly i may need to revise my expectations of how many people i can get to see the light by them down a few million.