Thursday, April 7, 2011

a note to democrats...knock it off and cut the budget. we're not going to play this game.

the democrats continue to whine and spin a story of catastrophe if they have to learn to stop wasting our money and live within a budget as americans have had to learn to do after our so called "leaders" caused a world-wide recession in 2008. three years later, americans are still having to live with the disaster...they don't. the democrats are seriously out of touch. they don't realize that in the last three years, citizens have quickly had to learn about things that they were never concerned with before. we had to learn, not that there aren't those out here that didn't really want to learn, but had's called survival.

having to survive is something that our "fat cat" politicians haven't had to experience. since they are so out of touch with "we the people", they continue to think that this is 2007 and that we're still uninformed...we're not. we may not know everything, but we're quickly putting the pieces together. one thing we do know is that those career politicians lie better than they tell the truth; we have the internet articles and youtube videos to prove it; showing them lie in their own words. they like to live by technology to get their political careers will now die by technology as we share these videos and articles on facebook and other social networking sites at the speed of light. let me add, their attempts to lie are pathetic. the democrats have been caught plotting to blame the tea party if there is a government shut down. who are they going to blame us to...ourselves?

do they not realize the depth and magnitude and sheer number of people that now comprise the tea party? blaming the tea party is like an employee complaining to his supervisor that the owner did something wrong...that employee will probably be looking for another job by the end of the pay cycle. likewise, these democrats who are trying to blame us for a government shut down will be looking for other jobs in 2012. we are not to blame for this, they are. democrats had control of the congress, senate and executive branch and did nothing towards passing a budget because they were busy scamming us with stimulus bills and obamacare.

we know where the stimulus money went. it went to labor unions and big business so that the democrats could get a good campaign contribution. we know what obamacare is about. it's not to help the poor, it's for the democrat politicians to gain more power and control over our lives. hell, they didn't even read the bill before passing it. plus, it had a bunch of new laws in there that will have dire intended and unintended consequences on citizens, state and local governments and businesses forever if we do not repeal it. so democrats, my advice to each of you is to start cutting. we sent conservative representatives to congress to do "the peoples" work and they are doing it.

you are not, and we won't forget it when it's your turn for re-election. we are not buying your b.s. and we are not listening to your spin. if you are having trouble cutting $61 billion on a $1.6 trillion budget, we're going to have some real problems when we get past this budget that you failed to pass and start working on next years; where our freshmen congressmen have been instructed to cut trillions. so you have a choice cooperate or start talking to your lobbiest buddies and looking for a job, because you will not be re-elected. just remember, we've also instructed them to go after the crooked lobbiest as well so that new job probably will be short-lived. cut the expenses, start at least acting like you have a conscience and hopefully the judge and jurist at your future corruption and racketeering trials will knock a few years off of your prison sentence...that's about the best we can offer you.

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