Monday, September 17, 2012

i've been watching the protest in the middle-east. pres. obama and his other two stooges have claimed that arabs are just upset with us because we "offended them". no. they hate us. they hate us because we are not muslim. this is the ultimate prejudice. liberals defend blacks, hispanics, gays, the poor and women against prejudice here. a type of prejudice that has not existed since the 1960s. 

yet, they don't and won't defend american's against prejudice coming from arabs that kill us around the globe and in our own lands. what kind of sh_t is that? now liberals want to make us fearful once again. no. we won't cower in fear so our own government can steal more of our rights and more of our freedoms. no. we will not give up our rights to free speech in worry of offending arabs as they burn our flag and kill our people. if they're that mad...they know where we live...let them come and get some of this all american ass whupping and then they will have something to be mad about.


  1. Posted of my Timeline. Just found out about this blog from one of the groups I belong to. Hope it's okay!

  2. found your blog through the fb timeline. Didn't know it was out here.
    The more blogs like yours the better! we need good ppl like you speaking up.
    One thing i did want to mention though.You mention Arabs in your blog entry. I hope we can make a distinction. The more accurate term would be Muslim;not all Arabs are Muslim. Many are Christian and being persecuted in their own countries BY Muslims. They suffer greatly.
    Some ppl confused the Sikh sect with Muslims because they wear the turban. Ironically Muslims do not wear a turban.The Sikhs do and consider it sacred. Nuff said. Hope you don't mind the comment. It isn't intended to offend or criticize. I know you know the difference but we often use the words Arab and Muslim interchangeably for some reason.i've done it so i'm not really finger pointing.i really feel for the Christians of the Middle East. That's why i wanted to point this out. Very difficult for them.

  3. i do know the difference. i don't care if i offend them. i'm offended by the actions of those who burn and stomp on our flag and kill innocent people. when i think they are deserving respect, i'll start showing it to them. they seem to lump u.s. citizens all together...i'll do the same. i'm not always politically correct. it's more important to me to get my point across.
