Sunday, March 6, 2011

muslims... don't take our kindness and openness as a weakness..

i've known a few muslims in my lifetime. they've been cool with me and that's not always easy because i'm not always that easy to get along with because of my outspokenness. i don't agree with what the muslim radicals are doing and i do think that if they are strict followers of the koran, then they may not want me sharing the same planet with them...that's fine as long as they keep those feelings inside. i don't fear them and hope they're quicker on the draw if they should ever attempt to harm me or anyone near me.

so they can think what they want, do what they want as long as it doesn't affect me. i don't care. just keep your feelings and actions to yourself and we're fine. the minute you as much as disrespect me or try to harm me we've got problems. let me tell you, you're brethren who are out demonstrating are pushing you very close to the "we've got problems line". if i were you and you want to live a peaceful life in "my" country...i say my because god allowed me to be born here, so that in my opinion makes it "my"; you'd better start talking to them and telling them to back down. don't think for a minute that you can take our kindness and openness as a weakness. we may be childish and playful, but nowhere near weak. think about it.


  1. I'm with you, Darryl! I'm behind you 100 percent. When push comes to a shove, look me up, give me a shout, or hunt me down. We'll fight this fight together. And, Im serious, man!

    Don Rose
