Monday, March 7, 2011

ruining a nation 101. tonights guest speaker: non other than satan himself.

obama walks like a duck, quacks like a duck but half the country sees an articulate swan. sorry, i don't want any kool-aid and quackers. i want a leader that doesn't believe that america should be passed off as an ordinary nation. i don't want to become involved with idda only. if "idda only" knew that he was trying to destroy the country with his beliefs and world views that differ radically from ours.

if we had elected a person with emotional ties to another country...would they not see things differently than we do? that is exactly what we have here. i don't care where he was born, his heart is not into americanism. he does not have emotional ties to the usa, his heart is into "transforming" this country and in his vision, making it better...okay, no problem if he had told us the whole story and we agreed to it...then fine. however, he only tricked us by using rosy terms that sounded good. "change", "transform", "redistribute", "collective".

these are all words that sound positive. the problem is he didn't give details and his followers didn't ask for them. he gives new meaning to the phrase, "the devil's in the details".

when we started finding out about the details, we saw that he's driving us so far into the ground, we'll probably get a chance to see the devil's lecture on the details. an example of that. spending for just the month of february, 2011 - $223 billion. spending for all of 2007, $161 billion. another word the liberals like to use...unsustainable. they got that one dead on.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that seems to be left unspoken by the Koolaid and Quacker crowd is WHY they think he's the bee's knees. I would love it if, rather than immediately calling us racists, insert-a-slur-aphobes, ad nauseum, those who still (how???) support this yahoo would name their top 5 reasons, and they can't be "conceptual, neato word" reasons; they have to be backed up with facts. For example: "I support Oboingo because I am a rabid environmentalist, and by drastically increasing the amount of unemployment, BHO has removed an additional "x" billion cars from the daily commute, effectively offsetting the entire carbon footprint of the fleet of jets it took for Mooshelle and her 40 bestest friends plus the poor saps, er, I mean the secret service members assigned to protect her with their lives to take a much needed vacation in Spain." Then give me 4 more reasons. Once we have confirmed that you are certifiable, we will escort you to the nearest mental facility, where our tax dollars will provide you with room and board, much like our tax dollars do now, should "get a job and support myself" not have been on your bucket list.
