Thursday, March 3, 2011

i have been pretty patient when discussing issues with liberals...until now.

tonight i've had two people who pop into my fb posts and pretend to want answers. other conservatives and i would patiently answer their questions. hoping that they would understand the facts of the situation. each time they would come back with nonsense. i've lost my patience and prefer to be talking constructively to people who understand things for what they really are than waste time being distracted with silly question after question. i'm done with that. i'm deleting them and not let them frustrate me with their lack of understanding of how life works. liberals, i only have two children...i'm not your daddy. let someone else argue with you because you think you know better.


  1. Truly. Can you argue and win with a liberal? I've found you can never EVER change their minds. They are set in their minds, just like WE are.

  2. Amen to that! And I'm not their mommy. And neither one of us should have to pay for them, though we both do, against our wills, I might add!
